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NYCA Film Festival is part of the:

An association of film festivals which highlight excellence in cinematography.

Official Qualifier To:

Cinematography AWARDS officially called the “Golden Eagle” is an award in the form of a statuette for outstanding achievements in the field of cinematography.
New York Cinematography AWARDS (NYCA)
Best Film of the Month
BOUND LEGS (Hungary)
DIRECTOR: Karoly Palfai
PRODUCERS: Karoly Palfai, Peter Gaal, Akos Szarka, Aron Szarka, Alexandra Uri-Kovacs, Gabriella Nemeth
DOP: Karoly Palfai
About the film:
ANDY, on his 12th birthday, realizes that he is completely helpless against his mother’s suffocating and restricting love. Due to the “helicopter mom’s” constant control the boy lives his everyday life in complete exclusion and solitude. His teammates regularly make fun of him for not even being able to tie his shoelaces. Brought up in the illusion of love, by the age of 21 ANDY rebels against the world and his mother as a frustrated and unmotivated man.
About Director:
Karoly Palfai was born on 20 September, 1977 in Budapest, Hungary. Born into an artistic family, he has been intrerested in paiting and photography since early childhood. At age 16, he was already taking photos for newspapers and magazines. After working as a photojournalist for years, he became Bravo Sport magazine’s full-time sports photographer and worked there for ten years. His shots appeared in numerous Hungarian and international magazines, and his Formula 1 photos were even selected by Agence France-Presse (AFP) agency. His father took photographs as a war correspondent in the Vietnam War, which location Karoly revisited himself 30 years later, to capture all the changes since the battle. Karoly’s exhibition of this material in Hanoi was visited by more than 300 thousand people. Putting photography aside in 2010, he worked both as a sports manager and organized international events (European and world championships), as an event manager.
For the past 15 years, he has been practicing spirituality, devoting his freetime to self-development and helping others as a buddhist master and self-awareness coach. Having always been interested in different people’s fates and characters, he began writing film stories, primarily from the perspective of the soul, the individual who experiences these life events.
Karoly first began producing commercials and charity appeals. In 2018, his first music video with Hungarian band Kowalsky meg a Vega (song: „lehetetlen nincs”) was released, which was created by Palfai and reached almost 8 million views.
In 2019 he decided to get behind the camera again and shoot his first-ever short film, ‘LECHO’, based on the idea of empathy. In the end, the lecho movie became 11 award winners and was a hit on social media and national television. Károly is currently preparing the script for his first feature film with great pleasure.

The Best Film of the Month has the Official Selection to Golden Eagles AWARDS and guaranteed screening in the cinema.The rest films for the live screening jury will select from all Winners during a year. We will present the full list of selected films until the Notification Date.
All Winners of the Categories – DECEMBER 2022:
The best films. Congratulations to All Filmmakers !!!
Official Selected Film to the Live Screening
The Best Film of the Month has the Official Selection to Golden Eagles AWARDS and guaranteed screening in the cinema.The rest films for the live screening jury will select from all Winners during a year. We will present the full list of selected films until the Notification Date.
New York Cinematography AWARDS Film Festival is part of the:
Cinematography Awards Foundation: